Essential skills and experience
- Have experience of delivering a Health Information System capability into at least one of the one of the four NHS Nations
- Have recent experience (<12 months) of working with the UK MoD in a senior/leadership role to deliver a Digital Information System
- Have experience of the HIS marketplace where you have supported your client to make informed choices when developing procurement options and engaging the market with viable commercial propositions
- Have knowledge and experience of conducting Business Analysis and then translating that into Solution Design and Procurements to enable capability to be delivered to the Customer
- Give an example where you worked with a client to support the delivery of a Digital Healthcare Transformation project or programme, shaping the direction and implementation of solution design options
- Give an example of where you have worked with the MoD delivering an information system into the Defence Infrastructure (Fixed or Deployed)
- Have knowledge and experience of how the NHS (4 Nations) operate in terms of their open standards, interfaces and infrastructure
- Be able to set direction for CORTISONE to interoperate with NHS National Systems and Services? This would include development of Non-Functional Requirements