EWIR Training Support to JEWOSC (PM)

Closing date for applications: 05/11/2019
Specialist role
Product manager
Summary of the work
An EWIR production specialist is required to assist with in-house development of NIGHTHAWK analytical procedures and training material. Duties to include production of RTM, OEM and EIM with experience of using PYTHON to describe complex RADAR behaviour, including troubleshooting and debugging algorithmic descriptions.
Latest start date
Expected contract length
2 Dec 2019 to 31 Mar 2020
East Midlands
Organisation the work is for
Ministry of Defence, Joint Electronic Warfare Operational Support Centre (JEWOSC)
Maximum day rate
Please specify required day rate
Early market engagement
Who the specialist will work with
The specialist will work directly for the JEWOSC Parametric Data department. This comprises a team of MOD civil servants and military personnel, supported by a number of industry partners.
What the specialist will work on
Training JEWOSC personnel in the development and production of EWIR (RTMs) using the NIGHTHAWK application. The specialist is required to assist with in-house development of NIGHTHAWK analytical procedures and training material. Duties to include production of RTM, OEM and EIM with experience of using PYTHON to describe complex RADAR behaviour, including troubleshooting and debugging algorithmic descriptions.
Address where the work will take place
Joint Electronic Warfare Operational Support Centre, RAF Waddington, LINCOLN.
Working arrangements
On site full time (5 days per week) in the JEWOSC for 4 months (with a maximum of one rotation if required) from contract commencement until 31 March 2020. Expenses for travel and subsistence shall be limited to one rotation during the contract term. Prior authorisation by the MOD of travel costs for one rotation shall be required. The Supplier is responsible for providing all other funding costs for their staff, including accommodation, daily travel to the JEWOSC, and all insurances etc.
Security clearance
UKNSV DV or equivalent will be required by contract commencement and throughout the contract term. Please contact the buying organisation to discuss any support required to facilitate clearances by contract start.
Additional terms and conditions
The standard contract shall apply supplemented by the following: • IR35 Intermediaries Legislation does not apply; work is out of scope of IR35. • DEFCON 658; compliance with Cyber Risk outcome of Very Low shall be required by contract commencement. • Payment via MOD CP&F electronic payment system shall be a mandatory requirement. • DEFCON 659A and a Security Aspects Letter. • One rotation of specialist in a 4 month period shall be authorised if required, subject to prior authorisation of travel costs in accordance with MOD Travel and Subsistence Policy.
How many specialists to evaluate
Cultural fit criteria
Ability to adapt to the demands of a fast-moving and complex environment. Commitment to delivery in support of operations. Demonstrate role model behaviour for knowledge sharing and transfer. Demonstrates sound prioritisation skills.
Assessment methods
Evaluation weighting
Technical competence 75% Cultural fit 5% Price 20%
Essential skills and experience
  • Have experience as an EWIR production specialist, including EIM, OEM and RTM for complex emitters
  • Nighthawk Specialist operating at expert level
  • Experience of using PYTHON to describe complex RADAR behaviour, including troubleshooting and debugging algorithmic descriptions
Nice-to-have skills and experience
  • Experience of working in a Defence Electronic Warfare environment

Closing date for applications: 05/11/2019

EWIR Training Support to JEWOSC (PM)

Closing date for applications: 05/11/2019

Specialist role:

Product manager


East Midlands


Ministry of Defence, Joint Electronic Warfare Operational Support Centre (JEWOSC)

Maximum day rate:

Please specify required day rate

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