Essential skills and experience
- Demonstrate the breadth, depth and a track record of technical expertise working with networked Distributed Simulation Environment to generate a complete Live, Virtual and Constructive (LVC) capability
- Demonstrate following technical competencies: C++ and C# programming; VBS3 developer including the plug-ins; Carmenta Engine developer; Build required interface plug-ins/converters; Generate a Distributed Simulation Environment via Distributed Interactive Simulation standards
- Demonstrate an understanding of systems architecture, particularly a network of software and emulators
- Use technical expertise to implement the Data Distribution Service (DDS) OMG standard middleware and configure the data flow requirements via this protocol
- Demonstrate in their bid a clear technical plan, methodology, evidence based approach and scope of work that would lead to the requirements being achieved
- Demonstrate experience in SADM, ODIN and NEREUS from a user's perspective but able to configure external interfaces to network these software
- Demonstrate experience in VBS3 and CARMENTA ENGINE SDK from a developer's perspective
- Demonstrate previous experience in developing military operator GUIs for decision making HMI experiments
- Demonstrate previous experience working in project to network different modelling and simulation software to generate a Distributed Simulation Environment
- Demonstrate previous experience working in a project where applications of a P2P Publish/Subsribe style middleware was implemented
- Possess basic knowledge and understanding of maritime C2 systems and fundamental TTPs, surface ship sound room and operations room HMIs, and a typical RN warship's Combat Management System
- Take responsibility for their work and use tools available in the organisation to record and report the work