Essential skills and experience
- Experience of managing and configuring ESRI ARC GIS products and data/services provided by DGC – 15%
- Experience of providing geo support in the use of operational systems – 15%
- Knowledge of the various application specific requirements for mapping in different projections, formats and standards – 10%
- Knowledge of geospatial concepts and terminology (projection types, coordinate systems etc) – 10%
- Competence in the use and relevance of ArcGIS products such as Arc Manager and Geometry Service – 10%
- Familiarity with REST WMS services – 10%
- Knowledge of materials issued by DGC and the typical folder layout of rasters/tiles embedded therein – 10%
- Familiarity with setup and support of ArcGIS bespoke applications that use either the JavaScript SDK and/or Flex viewer – 10%
- Competence in publishing maps via ArcMAP tool and the use or construction of GEO databases via raster catalogue methodology (mosaic will not be available) – 10%
- Demonstrate compliance with the controls required for a Cyber Risk profile assessed as "Low" - THIS IS A PASS/FAIL. Suppliers who do not meet this criteria will be sifted out
Nice-to-have skills and experience
- Experience of working with C4ISR or related applications 15%
- Experience of dealing with remote groups of stakeholders and managing expectations and communications between disparate groups 15%
- Excellent communication skills 15%
- Proven organisational ability 15%
- Experience working within a Defence related environment 15%
- Experience liaising with industry partners 15%
- Ability to gather, analyse and present accurate, consistent messages to governance boards 10%