10DS Front End Development (D)

Closing date for applications: 09/03/2021
Specialist role
Summary of the work
10DS are developing products to support the delivery of government priorities, and present evidence and analysis in visually engaging ways for senior decision makers. You will play a key part in leading development of a front-end that is viewed and used by senior decision makers across Government.
Latest start date
Expected contract length
Organisation the work is for
Prime Minister's Office; Cabinet Office
Maximum day rate
Early market engagement
Who the specialist will work with
You will work with civil servants in No10's Data Science Team. A unit of the Cabinet Office, the team has a remit to radically improve the way key decisions are informed by data, analysis and evidence, through:i) enabling 10 Downing Street to utilise the best evidence, and cutting-edge data science in policy and decision-making process, ensuring the Prime Minister and staff are intelligent customers of analysis, and embedding a culture of evidence-informed policy; ii) provoking positive change across Central Government, through providing challenge and feedback, and collaborating across Whitehall to drive long-term systems change and collectively solve policy challenges
What the specialist will work on
You will build interfaces that are clear, usable, efficient, and interactive. You will prototype and build new user interfaces, as well as write and update front-end code to the latest standards. ● build accessible and interactive interfaces to service a range of government needs, taking responsibility for the quality of code you produce● create interfaces that are based on user needs● share knowledge of tools and techniques with the teams (both developers and non-developers). ● Work with data scientists to map, produce, transform and test new data services, drawing on the most appropriate tools and techniques.
Address where the work will take place
Much of the work may be completed remotely, though an ability to travel into 10 Downing Street as needed is important.
Working arrangements
Much of the work may be completed remotely (including team meetings etc), but an ability to travel into 10 Downing Street as needed, is important.
Security clearance
Additional terms and conditions
How many specialists to evaluate
Cultural fit criteria
-work as a team with our organisation and other suppliers -be transparent and collaborative when making decisions -share knowledge and experience with other team members
Assessment methods
Evaluation weighting
Technical competence 70% Cultural fit 10% Price 20%
Essential skills and experience
  • Experience of front-end development, with detailed knowledge of HTML, CSS and JavaScript
  • An awareness of technologies used for web applications, e.g HTTPS, JSON and CDNs, and of Unix-like operating systems, eg Linux and/or Mac OS
  • Understanding of software design principles, including progressive enhancement
  • Experience in building robust and accessible interfaces that work for multiple users
  • An understanding of front-end web performance
  • Ability to quickly research and learn new programming tools and techniques
  • Experience of using testing to validate solutions
  • Understanding of agile environments and version control

Closing date for applications: 09/03/2021

10DS Front End Development (D)

Closing date for applications: 09/03/2021

Specialist role:





Prime Minister's Office; Cabinet Office

Maximum day rate:


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