Discovery Phase:
The discovery phase of an agile project aims to help understand the problems that need to be solved. Our discovery included learning about our users, what they wanted to achieve and any constraints that were in the way, e.g. technology.
The discovery phase of our project lasted (........) weeks. In this time we researched and gathered information about:
- the users and their context
- any potential constraints
- identifying any improvements to be made
We shared our findings across our team/organisation as it made it easier to collaborate and help with any issues.
The discovery phase finished after we decided that it was viable to move onto the alpha phase. We believed it is cost effective to pursue the problem and the benefits outweigh the costs, and therefore decided it was a good idea to move onto the alpha phase.
As we decided to move on to alpha phase of the project, we will need to make sure we understand the following:
- the context and other services, teams and organisations working on similar problems to us
- how what we are working on fits into that wider problem space
- a list of ideas we would like to test at alpha and an idea of which one we would like to test first
- roughly who we need in our team for the alpha phase
- how we will measure whether we have been successful
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