Technical review (TA)

Closing date for applications: 25/05/2020
Specialist role
Technical Architect
Summary of the work
1. Validate the suppliers’ Technical Review which focuses on internal performance of database queries and assess the results presented by suppliers. 2. Assist ONR in assessing the adequacy of system stability & resilience and suggest appropriate systemised solutions that can be implemented such as error handling, state/transaction management, data/DB design.
Latest start date
Expected contract length
6 weeks or less
No specific location, eg they can work remotely
Organisation the work is for
Office for Nuclear Regulation
Maximum day rate
Please specify required day rate
Early market engagement
Client is also trawling the market via other CCS frameworks. No ideally qualified candidate available at short notice for this short term engagement has been identified so far.
Who the specialist will work with
Responsible to delivery lead in client organization, working with client side IT and use management colleagues and suppliers providing 1st and 2nd/3rd level maintenance and support to the application and its hosted infrastructure.
What the specialist will work on
Provide independent advice to sponsor regarding technical review of existing nuclear material accounting system. The system is Web based, developed on the Microsoft software stack and is hosted in the UK at secure sites. Some unplanned outages have occurred. System was built on a core product, adapted at speed to meet ONR requirements to increased levels of volume/complexity significantly in excess of that foreseen by the core product. Technical review is being conducted with the suppliers working jointly with ONR, aimed at securing resilience of the system.
Address where the work will take place
Remotely from home due to Covid restrictions.
Working arrangements
Provide between 10 and 15 days of technical expert advice on a time and materials basis, starting 25th May latest and completion by 29th June 2020. Working 100% from home with remote access to client and supplier systems (logistics to be determined).
Security clearance
SC required
Additional terms and conditions
How many specialists to evaluate
Cultural fit criteria
Work as a team with our organisation and our suppliers Be capable of working with a client with limited IT expertise in house Capable of mastering detail quickly Excellent communicator able to work remotely
Assessment methods
Evaluation weighting
Technical competence 75% Cultural fit 5% Price 20%
Essential skills and experience
  • System Architecture design review
  • Code review and best practice assessment
  • Review application, data design & database queries for performance
  • Knowledge of Root Cause Analysis
  • Target interventions for system Reliability and Resilience
  • Sensitive assessment of supplier resource capability and quality development & control methods
  • Be able to make constructive and pragmatic consultancy interactions with senior ONR and supplier stakeholders
  • Microsoft technology software stack (SQL Enterprise Server)

Closing date for applications: 25/05/2020

Technical review (TA)

Closing date for applications: 25/05/2020

Specialist role:

Technical Architect


No specific location, eg they can work remotely


Office for Nuclear Regulation

Maximum day rate:

Please specify required day rate

IT Recruitment Marketplace
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