Software Tester (Visio upgrade)

Closing date for applications: 24/09/2019
Specialist role
Quality assurance analyst
Summary of the work
The tester will work with the Digital Services team to provide an upgrade to the NICE Pathways importer code so that it can support the version of Visio currently offered by IT.
Latest start date
Expected contract length
3 Months
North West England
Organisation the work is for
National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE)
Maximum day rate
Early market engagement
Who the specialist will work with
Digital Services is a team of c. 60 digital professionals that design, develop and maintain NICE’s portfolio of digital services including the NICE website, Pathways and NICE Evidence Services.
What the specialist will work on
The tester will ensure that: 1. The Pathways import process is fully compatible with Visio 2010 and the version of Visio provided by NICE IT and fully tested. 2. The templates, stencils and macros have been updated, re-issued and tested. 3. Unit tests covering the changes exist. 4. Documentation detailing the import process has been provided. 5. The Digital Services team have quality assured the work and have signed-off documentation and agree it is fit for purpose 6. The Publishing team have quality assured the work and agree it is fit for purpose
Address where the work will take place
National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) Level 1A, City Tower Piccadilly Plaza Manchester M1 4BT
Working arrangements
The tester will be based onsite in the Manchester office.
Security clearance
Additional terms and conditions
Additional clause will be added to govern using the NICE servers and not allowing any data on personal laptops/equipment.
How many specialists to evaluate
Cultural fit criteria
Collaborative working, sharing knowledge with NICE Transparent and shared decision-making Proactive approach to problem sharing Learning culture, adopting lessons learned throughout the project Responds to feedback positively and constructively
Assessment methods
Work history Interview Scenario or test
Evaluation weighting
Technical competence 45% Cultural fit 5% Price 50%
Essential skills and experience
  • Javascript
  • VBA macros
  • Automated testing
  • Ability to collaborate and proactively transfer knowledge to the members of the NICE Digital Service team as required
  • Ability to manage work as part of planned sprints with the Digital Services team
  • Being tangible in their delivery - ie regular ‘show and tells’ to users and other technical contributors to the Pathways import process with supporting documents, analysis evidence of work undertaken
  • Ability to work with clients with low technical expertise
  • Ability to fully integrate with the in-house team for hand-on and hand-off process
Nice-to-have skills and experience
  • Understanding of document databases (No SQL databases e.g. Raven, Mongo)
  • Knowledge of Visio 2010 to current – including templates and stencils

Closing date for applications: 24/09/2019

Software Tester (Visio upgrade)

Closing date for applications: 24/09/2019

Specialist role:

Quality assurance analyst


North West England


National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE)

Maximum day rate:


IT Recruitment Marketplace
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