CCT773 – Pegasus Unified Communications and CHAT Security Assurance Co-ordinator

Closing date for applications: 18/09/2019
Specialist role
Cyber security consultant
Summary of the work
This role is aimed at an experienced Security Assurance Coordinator and involves meeting the requirements of JSP440, the Defence Manual of Security and ensuring systems meet accreditation standards. Extensive knowledge of Government and Defence Systems is essential.
Latest start date
Expected contract length
6 Months with an Extension Option of 1.5 months pending financial approval.
South West England
Organisation the work is for
Ministry of Defence ISS
Maximum day rate
Early market engagement
Who the specialist will work with
Civilian, Military and Contractors within the Interoperability Services and Gateways team
What the specialist will work on
Assist Pegasus UC, CHAT/wider Programme by providing security assurance advice & direction to enable the generation of future development spirals, roadmaps & supporting delivery schedules and assist installing, connecting and maintaining test and reference solution at LSRC. Security documentation and process to be completed enabling connectivity to international partners. Support transition from legacy voice platform to new IP core. • Security documentation to be updated, adhering to MOD policy both by project team/external delivery partners. • Completion of accreditation activities to support delivery of CHAT spiral 2. • Completion of accreditation activities to support delivery of Video Teleconferencing Spirals 1-3.
Address where the work will take place
Ministry of Defence Corsham, ISS, Building 405, Spur D1, Westwells Road, Corsham, SN13 9NR
Working arrangements
All tasks will take place at MOD Corsham, the Successful applicant will be expected to work 5 days a week, the working day is 8 hours to include a 30 minutes for lunch. Day visits may be required within the UK. Travel and Subsistence will be provided for off-site working at MOD Civilian Rates.
Security clearance
DV Clearance must be in place prior to and for the duration of the contract due to the projects the successful applicant is required to work with.
Additional terms and conditions
How many specialists to evaluate
Cultural fit criteria
Work as a team with our organisation and other suppliers 20% Be transparent and collaborative when making decisions 20% Have a no-blame culture and encourage people to learn from their mistakes 20% Take responsibility for their work 20% Share knowledge and experience with other team members 20%
Assessment methods
Work history Reference
Evaluation weighting
Technical competence 75% Cultural fit 5% Price 20%
Essential skills and experience
  • Extensive experience and evidence of Government and Defence Systems, including a good understanding of the FVEYs partners Voice and VTC systems. 20%
  • Extensive evidence of integration of VTC systems over networks including a variety of industry partners providing UNified Communication solutions and products. 20%
  • CCP SIRA Practitioner Held. 10%
  • Evidence of exerience of UC boundary devices and firewalls. 20%
  • Experience and evidence of network configurations and understanding of network management tools within a unified communications environment. 5%
  • Extensive Knowledge of DIAS or equivalent accreditation processes. 15%
Nice-to-have skills and experience
  • Evidence of experience of communications bearers e.g. ISDN, SATCOM. 5%
  • Evidence of experience of IP at all levels. 5%

Closing date for applications: 18/09/2019

CCT773 – Pegasus Unified Communications and CHAT Security Assurance Co-ordinator

Closing date for applications: 18/09/2019

Specialist role:

Cyber security consultant


South West England


Ministry of Defence ISS

Maximum day rate:


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